Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

lost my appetite

Suddenly lost my appetite. There is only
feeling upset and annoyed that meets head
this. Duh ... how not annoyance, in circumstances
This culminated hungry as food
available no satisfactory tongue. Vegetable
This soup sweet taste like banana compote,
perkedelnya'm not a terrible salty.
"My wife, when you can cook with
right ...? Always alone, if not salty ...
sweetness, if not ... yes spicy
! "Yes, I can not hold back emotions
not to grumble.

"Patience honey ..., he also patient with
Ayesha and Khodijah cuisine. Said would
kayaking the Apostle ...? "My wife said calmly.
"Yes ... but the brother's human. Older brother
can not wait as the Apostle. Abi can not stand
if you eat constantly like this ...! "
I answered with a high tone. Listen
emotional tone of my words, I saw my wife
heads bowed deeply. If
been so, I'm sure tears
already filled.
I had a week out of town. And of course,
when the home is filled with mind-pinch
pinch of hope to find 'Baiti
Jannati 'at my house. But what
happened ...? Apparently not according to reality
with what I dreamed. Arriving at
home, my head instead mumet dizziness.
Just imagine, a house not kontrakanku
turn it like a broken vessel. Clean clothes
that there has not been ironed mounting
here. Dirty dishes in the kitchen feasting,
and laundry ... ouw ... buckets.
Plus the smell of the stench
sting, because for days soaked
with detergent but not well washed.
Seeing her like this, I can only
beristigfar rubbing his chest. "The deck .. Deck,
how Big Brother is not always upset when
continuous state of this ...? "I said
shaking his head. "Deck ...
Sholihat wife was not only clever ngisi
recitation, but he also must be clever in
regulate the housekeeping chores.
Must know how to cook, wash, sewing clothes,
cleaning home ...? "Not yet time to my words
exhausted already heard my wife crying jag
that looks so melancholy.
"Ah ... very easy for women
cry ..., "I told myself saying to myself.
"It was silent decks, should not be a crybaby. Said
shalihat wife wants to be ...? Shalihat wife was not
crybaby, "I said carefully after seeing water
menganak river welling in her eyes.
"How do not cry! A new home
have continued to grumble-grumble. This home
messy because it could ummi
doing nothing. Let alone to work
for the road was difficult. Ummi's vomit-
vomiting continues, this body felt limp
at all, "said my wife sobs interspersed.
"Abi's how not to play a
maboknya young people who are pregnant ... "says
my wife again, as I saw the tears
remain rife.
"honey ..., will be among brothers ngaji yes ...?" Pleaded
"Hell, i'am very busy today.
Leaving alone huh? "I said.
"Yes I have, if the brother is busy, bus brothers
general course, hopefully not collapse
on the road, "replied my wife.
"Why, why say so ...?" I interrupted. "
"Yes, in conditions like this vomiting
Umm easy head dizzy when kissing
the smell of gasoline. Moreover, added to mill
insistence on the bus with a hot atmosphere
sting. But hopefully not hell
see why, "said my wife again.
"Well, then go up three-wheeler only,"
I said lightly.
Meeting today was postponed from next week.
This time I used the opportunity to
pick up my wife. Somehow this heart suddenly
Just arrived to miss him. My bike
've arrived at the place my wife lessons. In
I saw the front door is still a lot of shoes
lined, this is a sign the show has not been completed.
I noticed a shoe which amounts to eight
install one separately. Ah, all-beautiful
they are so beautiful and looks expensive.
"Ladies, just love the beautiful,
to any form of cute shoes, "I
membathin own.
My eyes suddenly stumble on the view
flanked by a pair of slipper-flops
beautiful shoes. Dug! These hearts become whole.
"Oh .... This is not flip-flops my wife?" Asked
my heart. Then I took my flip-flops immediately crumpled
beautiful shoe that crushed it. Test! Water
my eye fell unnoticed. Nian feels sore
This heart, why only now realized that
I never pay attention to my wife.
To the point where he should go
use ragged flops. While his
her friends good shoes. "I'm sorry
Maryam, "pleaded my heart.
"Krek ...," the voice sounded the door opened. I
jump, then sneaked into the wall
side. I saw two walking past ukhti
while wearing a tiny boy
beautiful scarf and a bright, bright colored clothes
and hijab umminya. A few minutes after
ukhti departure of two, back-crossed ukhti
ukhti another. However, not too
I found Maryamku. I counted
had eight people out of the house,
but my wife has not come out.
my waiting ended when a body
dark robe and black scarf across. "Here it comes
my wife! "yelled my heart. He is different from the others,
he's so humble. If others use
bright beautiful flowered dress, she wore only
a dark-colored clothing is also worn
Secretly my heart back dirayapi feelings
far less sinful because
attention to the wife. Yes, I realize,
that since the marriage had never
any piece of clothing bought for her.
I was too busy considering the lack-
shortage wife, but behind it all
so many kelebihanmu, O Maryamku.
I actually became embarrassed. All this time
I was too busy taking care of others, are
my wife never kuurusi. Though the Apostle has
said: "The best among you are
The best to his family. "
I'm ..? Ah, why should I forget that
God ordered the husband to menggauli
his wife well. I'm ...? too
often grumble and sue the wife with
something that he can not do it. I
really feel as a husband terdzalim!
"Mary ...!" I called, when the body berbaya
that dark past. The body was then turned into
me, his eyes showing
distrust of my presence in places
this. But, then appeared to slow
developed lips smile. Smile
happy. "Abi ...!" She whispered softly and happily.
Really, I just saw my wife is very happy
this. "Ah, why do not the first
pick up his wife? "contrite heart.
The next day I bought a pair of shoes for
wife. When he found out about it, happy smile
re-inflate the lips.
"Thank God, Thank ya
Bang ..., "he said with a sincere voice.
Ah, Mary, again touched my heart to see
polahmu. Again contrite heart attack.
Why only now I can be thankful
obtain ascetic wife and 'iffah like you?
Why only now also know how
the pleasure of watching your eyes
glowing because my attention ...?

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