Habib Abdullah bin Alwi Al Haddad said:
O The brother may God help us all to achieve the ease and distract us from all difficulties and to forgive our sins in the afterlife and the world that the month of Ramadan is a month a large degree and its position in Allah and His Messenger. Ramadan is the month most important. God requires the fast of the month for the Muslims. Allah the Exalted says:
Which means "O you who believe, in enjoined upon you fasting as in enjoined upon those before you, that ye may be righteous." (Al Baqarah 183)
In the month of Ramadan Allah sends down His Book and made the night as one of the Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months a thousand months and more than 83 years. So meditate in you tonight whether this is with Allah is better and more mainstream than this long period. Ta'alaa Allah He will say that he meant, "In Ramadan, the month in which scaled back (beginning of) the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and differentiator (between the right and wrong)." ( Al Baqarah 185). Then Allah Surah Al Qadr lowered.
Then Allah Almighty tells us that He sent down the Qur'an in the month of Ramadan and in particular Qadr night. This decrease comes from Al Lauhil Mahfuzh to Baitul Izzah in the sky nearby. Qur'an down all at once from the Al Lauh to Baitul Izzah and scaled back by the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet of Allah by His command gradually for about 23tahun. It is a time of revelation to the Prophet, as God began to lower the revelation to him when he was 40 years old and died at the age of 63 years. So that in saying by researchers from the clerics and the salaf khalaf.
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