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oke...mungkin itu yang dapat saya info kan untuk kali ini, untuk lebih jelasnya bisa di baca kq di nya langsung,,
Selamat berburu Dollar dan terimakasih telah berkunjung...
apa aja yg pengen gua tulis y....gua tulis deh di sini, so bisa dilihat ndiri kn gmna blog gue.....
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010
Minggu, 25 Juli 2010
Shaum or fasting in meaningful language al-Ruling or refrain from something such as refraining from eating or speaking. Shaum meaning as used in this paragraph to the 26 letters of Mary. "So eat and drink ye, O Mary, and tenangkanlah your heart and if you meet someone, say I'm fasting and did not want to talk to anyone."
While the term, shaum is abstaining from the lust of the two roads, mouth and genitals, and other things that can cancel the reward of fasting from dawn until sunset.
The virtues in Ramadan From Ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet. said, "princes month is the month of Ramadan and the princes day is Friday." (Thabrani)
Messenger. said, "If only people knew what was there during Ramadan, Ramadan was surely their hope for a year." (Thabrani, Ibn Khuzaimah, and Bayhaqi)
From Abu Hurairah r.a., Messenger of God. said, "If the coming fasting month, opened the doors of heaven and closed the gates of Hell." (Bukhari and Muslim) Prophet. He also said, "If the first night of Ramadan comes, the devils and jinn kafir will be handcuffed. All the gates of Hell are closed so that no one had an open door, and opened the gates of heaven so that no one was closed. Then terdengara voice calls, "O seeker of goodness, come! O seeker of evil, kurangkanlah. At night there were people who were freed from Hell. And this happened on every night. "(Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
The virtue of fasting Ramadan
From Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah. said, "Whoever fasted in Ramadan because of faith and hopeful, his sins will be forgiven the past. And anyone who prays on the night of the fasting month, his sins will be forgiven the past. "(Bukhari and Muslim)
Fasting Time
Since the introduction of fasting begins the true dawn (Fajr prayer time) until sunset (Maghrib prayer time entry). God explains in the Qur'an by the term white thread from a black thread.
Breaking Fasting Prayer
If breaking the fast, Rasullullah PBUH. read, "cor shumtu laka wa 'ala rizqika afthartu." That is, O God, I fasted for you and with the provision that shall give us break the fast.
And the Messenger of Allah. breaking fast with dates. If no, enough with the white water.
Sunnah-Sunnah in fasting
Before fasting, from junub disunnahkan large bath, menstruation, and childbirth. For people who are fasting, disunnahkan slowed and hasten to break the fast meal. Pray before breaking the fast.
In order for the practice of fasting is not damaged and the reward is not dead, people who fasted disunnahkan guard leads the limbs, leaving the useless chatter, leaving the matter doubtful and arouse lust. Disunnahkan reproduce Quran recitations, feeding the fasting person to break the fast, and reproduce charity. In the last ten days, highly recommended beri'tikaf.
The Allowed Not Fasting
1. People who Safar (in transit). But, there are scholars who give the terms. Someone may
do not fast in Ramadan and replace it in another month, if safarnya travel
more than 89 km and safarnya not for sinners as well as his trip began before dawn.
However Hanbalis allow fast, although safarnya begins at noon. Reason
permissibility breaking is due to contain masyaqqah Safar (distress). If
Safar took rukshah someone this, he must change his fast on other days
some days he did not fast.
2. People who are sick. Sick who fall into this category is the pain that can be
impede the continuity of religious fasting and the impact on the physical safety if he remained
fasting. To decide and judge, required second opinion. If someone does not
fasting because of illness, he was obliged to replace the fast left behind in another month when he
been healthy.
3. Pregnant women and nursing mothers. Pregnant women or nursing mothers should not fast, but it should replace the other day. If he did not fast for fear of the condition itself, it is only obliged to pay for making up those 'alone. But if he feared for the safety of the fetus or baby, then making up those obliged to pay 'and fidyah form once to feed one poor person. This diqiyaskan with the sick and elderly parents.
4. Elderly. People who are elderly and no longer capable of fasting are not obliged to fast, but shall pay fidyah by feeding a poor person as many days left.
5. People who experience fatigue and excessive thirst. If the conditions that interfere with the safety concern and common soul, so be fast and must be making up those '.
6. People who are forced (ikrah) did not fast. People like this should not fast, but shall mengqadha '
About Fasting Problems
1. For the fasting of Ramadan, shall set out the intention to fast before the dawn of time.
2. When fasting is a husband may kiss his wife, with the abstinence requirement and can not stimulate lust.
3. People who postpone big bath (impure) after a meal or after entering the dawn of time,
fast is still valid. So also with people who are fasting and have a wet dream on
during the day, his fast remains valid.
4. Prohibited conjugal intercourse during the day when fasting. Punishment for people who are having sex in the daytime during Ramadan is freeing a slave. If not able to liberate a slave, husband and wife sentenced to fast two months in a row full secaara. If not able too, they were condemned to feed 60 poor people eat. If his actions over and over on the other day, then doubled her sentence. Unless, of repetition performed on the same day.
5. The man who forgot that he was fasting and then eating and drinking, then his fast remains valid. After the recall, he must continue fasting until the time of day it is breaking
6. Only a deliberate vomiting broke the fast. There are three things they did not cancel the fast: bleed, vomiting (which was not intentional), and dreaming (ihtilam). Brush your teeth or cleaning your teeth with syiwak allowed. This is usually done by the Messenger of Allah. But, there are scholars who memakruhkan brushing teeth with toothpaste after the sun leaning to the West.
7. People who have fasting debt years earlier, must be paid before entering the Ramadan which will run. If you have not accomplished, to be paid after Ramadan this year. But, there are scholars have argued, in addition to diqadha 'is also required to feed the poor.
8. The scholars agreed that the people who died and had a debt of fasting that have not been accomplished but not karenakan negligence caused syar'i excuse such as illness or a traveler, there's no making up those who have to bear heirs. But if there is negligence, there was some scholars require making up those of his heirs and others saying no.
9. For those who work with physically and categorized as heavy-metal smelter workers, miners, construction workers, or others-if fasting causes kemudharatan against their souls, should not fast. But, mandatory mengqadha '. Jumhur scholars requires people who like this mandatory meal and intend for him to fasting, and fasted on that day. If not able, just may break the fast. Breaking become mandatory, if certain conditions that will cause potential ineligibility kemudharatan.
author; unknown
Fb group Note: One Day, One Verse Quran
When Islamic Cry
Muhammad is no more than an Apostle, have passed away before some of the Apostle. Is If he dies or is killed, will you turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)? Anyone who turns back, then he can not bring harm to Allah at all, and God will reward those who give thanks. "
[Ali 'Imran, verse 144]
Suddenly, from outside the door there was a man who shouted greetings. "May I come in?" he asked. But Fatimah did not admit him, "Forgive me, my father had a fever," said Fatima who turned around and closed the door.
Then he returned with his father who was already opened his eyes and asked Fatimah, "Who is it, O my son?" "I do not know my father, people seem to just this once I saw him," Fatimah said softly.
Then, Rasulullah looked at his daughter with a thrilling sight. It was as if a portion for a portion of her son's face was to be remembered. "Behold, he who takes pleasure while, he was the one that separates the meeting in the world. He malaikatul death," said the Messenger of Allah, Fatimah was holding her crying blow. Angel of death came over, but the Prophet asked why Jibril did not follow them.
Then Gabriel dipanggilah previously been prepared on the sky to welcome the world of spirits beloved of God and the prince of this world. "Gabriel, explain what will my right before God?" Ask Rasululllah with a very weak voice. "The doors of heaven have been opened, the angels have been waiting for your soul.
All of heaven open wide waiting for your arrival, "said Gabriel. But that did not make Rasulullah relief, his eyes still full of anxiety.
"You're not happy to hear this khabar?" Gabriel asked again. "Preached to me how the future fate of my people?" "Do not worry, O Messenger of Allah, I never heard God speaking to me: 'Kuharamkan heaven for anyone, except the people of Muhammad had been in it," said Gabriel.
Seconds of getting closer, it's time to do the task Azrael. Slowly pull the spirit of the Prophet. It appears the entire body drenched in sweat Messenger, stiffened his neck veins. "Jibril, how pain sakaratul this death."
Messenger groan slowly. Fatimah closed, Ali is at his side looked more deeply and Jibril turned away. "Jijikkah you see me, until you Gabriel Turn your face?" Rasulullah asked the angel of revelation introduction. "Who is able, God saw lover dying ripped," said Gabriel. Messenger instant later sounded plaintive, because of unbearable pain. "O Allah, terrible death nian, the punishment of death inflicted all this just me, but not on my people." Rasulullah Agency began ding! ins, leg and chest was not moving anymore.
Her lips quivered as if to whisper something, Ali immediately put his ear. "Uushiikum bus shalati, wa MAA malakat aimanuku - save prayers and save weak people among you." Outside the door there were cries sounded bersahutan, friends hugged each other. Fatimah closed his hand on his face, and Ali put his ear back to the Prophet who began bluish lips. "Ummatii, ummatii, ummatiii?" - "My, my people, my people"
And, the end of human life is precious to give radiation. Now, it seems Can we love? Cor sholli 'ala Muhammad wa wa baarik salim' What a love for the Prophet peace and blessings to us.
Habib Abdullah bin Alwi Al Haddad said:
O The brother may God help us all to achieve the ease and distract us from all difficulties and to forgive our sins in the afterlife and the world that the month of Ramadan is a month a large degree and its position in Allah and His Messenger. Ramadan is the month most important. God requires the fast of the month for the Muslims. Allah the Exalted says:
Which means "O you who believe, in enjoined upon you fasting as in enjoined upon those before you, that ye may be righteous." (Al Baqarah 183)
In the month of Ramadan Allah sends down His Book and made the night as one of the Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months a thousand months and more than 83 years. So meditate in you tonight whether this is with Allah is better and more mainstream than this long period. Ta'alaa Allah He will say that he meant, "In Ramadan, the month in which scaled back (beginning of) the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and differentiator (between the right and wrong)." ( Al Baqarah 185). Then Allah Surah Al Qadr lowered.
Then Allah Almighty tells us that He sent down the Qur'an in the month of Ramadan and in particular Qadr night. This decrease comes from Al Lauhil Mahfuzh to Baitul Izzah in the sky nearby. Qur'an down all at once from the Al Lauh to Baitul Izzah and scaled back by the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet of Allah by His command gradually for about 23tahun. It is a time of revelation to the Prophet, as God began to lower the revelation to him when he was 40 years old and died at the age of 63 years. So that in saying by researchers from the clerics and the salaf khalaf.
love in Islam
Said the poet of love is in the heart. Although hidden, the vibration was very noticeable. He was able to affect the mind as well as controlling the action. Indeed, love can turn bitter into sweet, switch dust gold, cloudy to clear, the sick were healed, the prison into the lake, pain becomes pleasure, and anger into mercy. Love is what could soften the metal, destroying coral reefs, raised the dead and breathe life into him and make the slave leader. This dasyatnya love (Jalaluddin Rumi).
But be careful also with love, because love can also make healthy people become sick, overweight people to become thin, normal people become crazy, the rich become poor, the king becomes a slave, if her love was greeted by false lovers. Love that is not based on God. That's the world's lovers, treasure and women. She forgot the love of God, the love that was so great, love is pure.
God's love endless love. If he is getting his love, and sweetness of love with God, no more complaints, no more sluggish body, nothing looks haggard. That there is optimism stares the face of all temptations, and obstacles in life. Strong body of worship and stepped reach the highest ideals of martyrdom in His way.
Quite often people claim to love God, and often people say mencitai Messenger of Allah, but how could it be accepted of God without any evidence given, as a wandering arjuna, cross a vast ocean, and ascending a high mountain peaks to get a woman's love. How possibly reaching love of God, but in his mind was always overshadowed by the woman / man she loved. It was impossible in one heart filled with the two loves. One of them must be rejected, except the love that is based on His love.
At the time of God to test his love, with memisahkanya of what makes him negligent in remembering God, often people can not accept it. At the time of God to separate a girl from her future husband, not her directly rarely weak and sick. When a husband whose wife was summoned to the Divine, the husband did not have a passion in life. At the time owned property burned, many people who migrated to the hospital the soul, these are all forms of the test from God, because God wanted to see how in love with his servant to Him. God wanted proof, but often people were helpless to prove it, it often fell on her love of God, when God pulled a piece of His blessings bestowed.
That all are forms of false love and false love of one creature against his Maker. Whereas all arranged by God, sustenance, death, soul mates, and our steps, that everything is there suratannya from God, lives for us seek to get him. Amat human losers dilelahkan only by love of the world, the pursuit of love creatures, treasure hunt in every way, and reluctant to help people who papah. Yet fate in the hereafter is determined by himself when life on earth, earnest love of God, or is lulled by this transitory world. If you love to someone other than God, more than in love with God, is one of the causes and pray no terijabah.
How could God to grant the request of a servant who looks up to God, groaning in the night, but when daylight appeared, he was doing sinners.
How could a girl want to get the prayer of a pious man terkabulkan, was himself may not sholehah.
How could the prayer of a servant who desires sakinah households, while he was still overwhelmed by the selfishness as the leader of the household ..
How could a mother longing for children who are pious, while he was busy working outside the home so that children's education is neglected, and affection do not shed.
How could the desire for a dignified nation can be realized, whereas the private self can not be role models
Many people claimed to love God and love to test it. But often people fail to prove his love for his Khaliq, because due to a bit of disaster that awaits him. Be assured, O my brother is a form of joy and sorrow of affection and love of God to his servants who believe ...
With sorrow, God would give ruhiyah tarbiyah against us, so we realize that we as a creature is to be weak, we can not do anything about him except by permission. Currently home to us to prove, and struggled to show our love in God, so that we avoid false love.
And God will not waste his servants who truly sacrifice for God To prove our love of God, there are some things we need to prepare are:
1) Strong Faith
2) Ikhlas in charity
3) Prepare Internal and external goodness. internal goodness that is working hard to implement mandatory and traditions of worship. Like qiyamulail, shaum Sunna, al-qur'an reading and thirst for knowledge. While external goodness is the fruit of worship we do in God, with keistiqamahan apply it in every step, and pull along the breath of life. Thus Hopefully we will reach out in love and His good pleasure.
Kamis, 22 Juli 2010
Miracles of the Koran makes Islam an American scientist
When lafad ALLAH sounds, vibrations in the voice changed into electric waves can be captured by the optical monitor. This miracle makes a famous American scientist chose to become Muslim.
Reported that a team of American scientists found that most of the plants above the equator issuing frequency sound. And that can only be captured by a sophisticated device.
These scientists for three years doing research and seeing the phenomenon like this makes them very astonished. They found that the vibrations in the voice can be converted into an electrical wave optics and more than a hundred times persekon repeatedly.
The team was later to prove their discovery in the presence of a team of British researchers. Incidentally there was a team who are Muslims. He is of Indian descent.
After experimenting for five days, the British scientist also became fascinated by what they see. However, these Muslim scholars say that this is already believed by the Muslims since 1400 years ago. Those who heard it asked him to further explain the problem he calls. He then read a paragraph which reads: "And there was nothing but glorify Him with praise, but you all do not understand their prayer beads. Verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Clement "(Isra ': 44).
Prof. William Brown, head of the research team was finally invited the Islamic scholar to talk more about Islam. Having discussed about Islam and was rewarded with an al-Quran with commentary in English, he later said Creed.
Rabu, 14 Juli 2010
A Brief History Aqidatul Awwam
Book Nazhom Aqidatul layman Syech Ahmad al marzuqi essay begins with a dream Syech Ahmad Marzuki on the first friday night in the month of Rajab in 1258, who met with the Messenger of Allah and his companions, in a dream the Messenger of Allah said to Syech Ahmad al Marzuki "Write Nadzhom Tawhid" goods who memorized them he would get into heaven and get all sorts of good that is in accordance with the Al Quran and Sunnah.
أبدأ باسم الله والرحمن
So say Syech Ahmad Marzukipun
أبدأ باسم الله والرحمن
Until the end of Nadzhom
وصحف الخليل والكليم
فيها كلام الحكم العليم
Prophet Muhammad at the time to listen to readings Syech almarzuki Ahmad, then when itupula Syech Marzuki Ahmad al awakened from sleep and what he read what had happened in her dream, and it has been recorded Nadzhom neatly from beginning to end nadzhom.
Nadzhom monotheism that was given to Syech Messenger Ahmad Marzuki, he poured in a book named "Aqidatul Laity" (Introduction to Islam for the layman). Hose for some time dreaming Syech Marzuki Ahmad Al returned to meet with the Messenger of Allah, and the Messenger of Allah said: "Read what you have collected in your heart (mind)", then Syech Ahmad Marzuki stood reading from beginning to end and the Companions Messenger Nadzhom next Prophet Muhammad PBUH said "Amiin" in each stanza stanza nadzhom was read. When finished completing bacaanya Syech Ahmad Marzuki, the prophet Muhammad and mendokannnya bekata him: "May Allah give you Taufiq to things that become Ridho Him and accept it from you and bless you and all the believers and make them useful to the Servant of servants of Allah swt amiinn ".
Book Nadzhom layman Aqidatul originally contained only 26 verses, but for love and longing Syech Ahmad Marzuki to the Prophet Muhammad then he adds up to 57 Nadzhom Temple.
His full name Sheikh Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Sayid Ramadan Mansyur ibn Muhammad al-Sayid Al-Hasani Marzuqi, born around the year 1205 H in Egypt, he was in charge of teaching all the time Mosque of Mecca because cleverness and intelligence Syech Ahmad Marzuki was appointed Mufti of Mecca Almaliki School replace Sayyid Muhammad who died around the year 1261, Ahmad Marzuki Syech also famous as a poet and has been called by a call Abu Alfauzi.
Book Nadzhom Aqidatul contains the points lay belief that the teachings of Islam serve as the basis for the Muslims. Inside the science of tawhid and explains the basics. This unity of science explains the unity of God and the proof. In the book describes the attributes of God, or so-called aqoid fifty.
Aqoid it consists of fifty, 20 properties are mandatory for God, 20 it is impossible for God's nature, a nature allowed but not required for God, and the four properties required for the Apostles, the four properties is impossible for the apostles and a nature allowed but not required for the apostles. All the contents of which are summarized in the book of teachings Aqidatul Laity.
Obligation to know the intended 50 convictions, both for men and women who have mukallaf. 50 kayakinan know these obligations not only to known but also understandable, so that Muslims can realize the happiness of the world and the hereafter, which will only be obtained by people who practice Islam properly.
Book Nadzhom Aqidatul lay boarding schools and taught at many study groups and the Majlis is the basic foundation ketauhidan that must be understood by every Muslim. Even Syech Nawawi Assyafi "i find it important to study the Book of Aqidatul layman because every mukallaf shall know the characteristics of Allah by getting to know nature of Allah then he will get to know him and vice versa (anyone who knew him then he will know God it) if you are familiar with Allah then he will always be obedient in all of the order of Allah and Rosulnya and away from all larangannnya. And even Syech Nawawi Assyafi'i Aqidatul Commenting on the Book of the laity in a book called "Nurudz zholam".
Minggu, 11 Juli 2010
I reject your proposal
by Nur Ainun, (copas)
They, men and women who so
committed to his religion. Through
ta 'aruf brief and wisdom, they
decided to continue toward
The man, himself, must be forward facing
another man: the father of this perempuan.Dan,
real challenge. He has
past the roar of the battle during
activities on campus, but the battle
are now very different. The
women, of course ready to help.
Smooth the steps to fulfill their
Then, one morning, in a house, in
a living room, a young man
facing a middle-aged man,
to 'seize' the young woman, from
asked the middle-aged. "Yes, sir," replied
the young. "You have known him
deep? "Asked the middle-aged
pointing to the woman. "Yes sir,
very familiar, "replied the young,
trying to convince.
"I refused your proposal. Means you've
memacarinya before? Can not. I
can not allow marriage that begins
with a model like that! "replied the half
aged. The young man stammered, "I do kok pak,
I actually know only modest course,
See the new course a month ago. "
"Refuse your proposal. That seemed to 'buy
cats in a sack 'right, I takmau you
would be easy to divorce her because you do not
mengenalnya.Jangan-don't you do not know
I am? "replied the middle-aged, hard.
This situation is difficult. The young woman
trying to help the young man.
She whispered, "Dad, he used to activists you know." "You
activists had not you? "asked the middle-aged.
"Yes sir, I had often led action
demonstration of anti Orba on Campus, "said
the young, confident.
"I refused your proposal. Later on when you anymore
disappointed and angry at your wife, you'll
entourage mobilize your friends
mendemo this to my house right? "
"Mr. So and So, not all. Wong's first demo
just too small. Many are not
came when I told them to leave. "
"I refused your proposal. Lha wong ye ngatur
your friend just can not, how would ngatur
family? "
The woman whispered back, helpful,
"Daddy, he's clever you know." "You graduates where?"
"I'm a graduate of Electrical Engineering UGM Pak. GMU's
one of the best campuses in Indonesia lho
Pak. "
"I refused your proposal. You're insulting
I am the only graduate of this STM tho?
Think I'm stupid do not you? "" I do kok
Pak. Wong I'm also not very clever-clever
Pak. Lulusnya just seven years, also IPnya
only two point sir. "
"LHA yes refuse your proposal. You're just stupid
so how can educate your children
later? "The whisper
come again, "my father he had been working you know." "So
have you been working? "" Yes sir. I work
as marketing. Itinerant Java and Sumatra
Pak selling my product. "
"I refused your proposal. If you are traveling and
the streets so, you will not have time
pay attention to your family. "" Anu kok Pak.
Circumference infrequently. Wong products
He does not have too much attitude. "
"Still refuse your proposal. Lha you want
you eat what your family, if working alone
not so incompetent? "
Whisper back, "Dad, it's important
maharnya can pay. "" The plan
maharmu what? "" A set of tools prayers sir. "
"I refused your proposal. We already have
a lot. I'm sorry. "" But I also prepared gold
one fifty million pounds and the money sir. "
"I refused your proposal. You thought I was matre,
and my son with money exchange and gold
so? Sorry young man, that's not my way. "
Whisper, "He's good at IT lho sir" "You can be anything
that, internet? "" Oh yes sir. I routinely wear
Internet, almost every day sir. "
"I refused your proposal. You'll just nge-
thok net. Spending the budget for
Internet and not your wife in child ngurus
real world. "" But I just checked
email's all sir. "
"I refused your proposal. So you do not understand
Facebook, Blog, Twitter, Youtube? I don '
in-law was going to have so clueless about computers. "
Whisper, "But Father ..." "You come here earlier rise
what? "" Cars sir. "" refuse your proposal. Ye
wanting to show off tho if you're rich. It
Riya name '. Later life would also
wasteful. Petrol prices not only increased. "" I Anu
mbonceng car just friends kok Pak.
I can not drive "
"I refused your proposal. Lha ye shall ask
diboncengin your wife? This name sucks.
Is my driver? "Whisper," Ayahh .. "
"You feel cute huh?" "No sir. Ordinary
Just kok "
"I refused your proposal. Mbok you first ngaca
before applying for this beautiful child. "
"But sir, in the village, in fact many
kok Pak also had a crush on. "
"I refused your proposal. You potentially
playboy. You'll be cheating! "
The woman is now filled with tears, "Daddy, do not
Can you ask about his religion,
addition of the property and its physical? "The
middle-aged face of the child, and
changes that have looked at the young
surrendered meekly.
"Son, what is there that you memorized from the Al
Quran and Hadith? "The youth have dropped out
despair, no longer feel they have something
valuable. Also at the crux of this matter he
surrender, he replied, "Sir, out of thirty-Juz
I just memorized chapters to thirty, rose
a short course. The hadiths were just
from Arba 'in the shortest, too. "
The middle-aged, smiling, "your proposal
I received a young child. That's enough. You're more
great from me. Just so you know,
Just read it too, I'm still limping. "
Young's eyes filled with tears come.
Wisdom: He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
حكنت ةأرملا عبرأل:
اهلامل اهبسحلو
اهلامجلو اهنيدلو.
رفظاف تاذب نيدلا تبرت
"Women (Also Men) was married four krn
the case of property krn krn krn descent
krn beauty and her religion. mk choose
ye women who have a religion you will
lucky. "
Last seconds of the Prophet's life
1. The signs of death
A message from God about her death he had also been there. Dan inilah, wahyu yang turun kepada Rasulullah saw yng pada intinya, semua menceritakan tentang bau kematian dan menyebarkan hawa perpisahan. And this, the revelation that came down to the Messenger of Allah yng in essence, all told about the smell of death and spread the air separation.
The verses that came down during the Prophet's preaching about her death, and asked him to menyipkan himself to meet his Lord.
God told the Apostle of Allah in Surah Az Zumar: 30 "Verily, Verily, ye shall die and they will die (too)" And Surah Ali Imran 144 "Muhammad is no more than an Apostle, have passed away before some of the Apostles."
The signs of death continue to emerge, twice as Gabriel came to teach the Quran to the Prophet at the end of Ramadan, when usually taught once a year, and the most down was in the days before the death of He.
The Prophet also have felt if his death was near by that's why he packed a welcome death.
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010
lost my appetite
Suddenly lost my appetite. There is only
feeling upset and annoyed that meets head
this. Duh ... how not annoyance, in circumstances
This culminated hungry as food
available no satisfactory tongue. Vegetable
This soup sweet taste like banana compote,
perkedelnya'm not a terrible salty.
"My wife, when you can cook with
right ...? Always alone, if not salty ...
sweetness, if not ... yes spicy
! "Yes, I can not hold back emotions
not to grumble.
"Patience honey ..., he also patient with
Ayesha and Khodijah cuisine. Said would
kayaking the Apostle ...? "My wife said calmly.
"Yes ... but the brother's human. Older brother
can not wait as the Apostle. Abi can not stand
if you eat constantly like this ...! "
I answered with a high tone. Listen
emotional tone of my words, I saw my wife
heads bowed deeply. If
been so, I'm sure tears
already filled.
I had a week out of town. And of course,
when the home is filled with mind-pinch
pinch of hope to find 'Baiti
Jannati 'at my house. But what
happened ...? Apparently not according to reality
with what I dreamed. Arriving at
home, my head instead mumet dizziness.
Just imagine, a house not kontrakanku
turn it like a broken vessel. Clean clothes
that there has not been ironed mounting
here. Dirty dishes in the kitchen feasting,
and laundry ... ouw ... buckets.
Plus the smell of the stench
sting, because for days soaked
with detergent but not well washed.
Seeing her like this, I can only
beristigfar rubbing his chest. "The deck .. Deck,
how Big Brother is not always upset when
continuous state of this ...? "I said
shaking his head. "Deck ...
Sholihat wife was not only clever ngisi
recitation, but he also must be clever in
regulate the housekeeping chores.
Must know how to cook, wash, sewing clothes,
cleaning home ...? "Not yet time to my words
exhausted already heard my wife crying jag
that looks so melancholy.
"Ah ... very easy for women
cry ..., "I told myself saying to myself.
"It was silent decks, should not be a crybaby. Said
shalihat wife wants to be ...? Shalihat wife was not
crybaby, "I said carefully after seeing water
menganak river welling in her eyes.
"How do not cry! A new home
have continued to grumble-grumble. This home
messy because it could ummi
doing nothing. Let alone to work
for the road was difficult. Ummi's vomit-
vomiting continues, this body felt limp
at all, "said my wife sobs interspersed.
"Abi's how not to play a
maboknya young people who are pregnant ... "says
my wife again, as I saw the tears
remain rife.
"honey ..., will be among brothers ngaji yes ...?" Pleaded
"Hell, i'am very busy today.
Leaving alone huh? "I said.
"Yes I have, if the brother is busy, bus brothers
general course, hopefully not collapse
on the road, "replied my wife.
"Why, why say so ...?" I interrupted. "
"Yes, in conditions like this vomiting
Umm easy head dizzy when kissing
the smell of gasoline. Moreover, added to mill
insistence on the bus with a hot atmosphere
sting. But hopefully not hell
see why, "said my wife again.
"Well, then go up three-wheeler only,"
I said lightly.
Meeting today was postponed from next week.
This time I used the opportunity to
pick up my wife. Somehow this heart suddenly
Just arrived to miss him. My bike
've arrived at the place my wife lessons. In
I saw the front door is still a lot of shoes
lined, this is a sign the show has not been completed.
I noticed a shoe which amounts to eight
install one separately. Ah, all-beautiful
they are so beautiful and looks expensive.
"Ladies, just love the beautiful,
to any form of cute shoes, "I
membathin own.
My eyes suddenly stumble on the view
flanked by a pair of slipper-flops
beautiful shoes. Dug! These hearts become whole.
"Oh .... This is not flip-flops my wife?" Asked
my heart. Then I took my flip-flops immediately crumpled
beautiful shoe that crushed it. Test! Water
my eye fell unnoticed. Nian feels sore
This heart, why only now realized that
I never pay attention to my wife.
To the point where he should go
use ragged flops. While his
her friends good shoes. "I'm sorry
Maryam, "pleaded my heart.
"Krek ...," the voice sounded the door opened. I
jump, then sneaked into the wall
side. I saw two walking past ukhti
while wearing a tiny boy
beautiful scarf and a bright, bright colored clothes
and hijab umminya. A few minutes after
ukhti departure of two, back-crossed ukhti
ukhti another. However, not too
I found Maryamku. I counted
had eight people out of the house,
but my wife has not come out.
my waiting ended when a body
dark robe and black scarf across. "Here it comes
my wife! "yelled my heart. He is different from the others,
he's so humble. If others use
bright beautiful flowered dress, she wore only
a dark-colored clothing is also worn
Secretly my heart back dirayapi feelings
far less sinful because
attention to the wife. Yes, I realize,
that since the marriage had never
any piece of clothing bought for her.
I was too busy considering the lack-
shortage wife, but behind it all
so many kelebihanmu, O Maryamku.
I actually became embarrassed. All this time
I was too busy taking care of others, are
my wife never kuurusi. Though the Apostle has
said: "The best among you are
The best to his family. "
I'm ..? Ah, why should I forget that
God ordered the husband to menggauli
his wife well. I'm ...? too
often grumble and sue the wife with
something that he can not do it. I
really feel as a husband terdzalim!
"Mary ...!" I called, when the body berbaya
that dark past. The body was then turned into
me, his eyes showing
distrust of my presence in places
this. But, then appeared to slow
developed lips smile. Smile
happy. "Abi ...!" She whispered softly and happily.
Really, I just saw my wife is very happy
this. "Ah, why do not the first
pick up his wife? "contrite heart.
The next day I bought a pair of shoes for
wife. When he found out about it, happy smile
re-inflate the lips.
"Thank God, Thank ya
Bang ..., "he said with a sincere voice.
Ah, Mary, again touched my heart to see
polahmu. Again contrite heart attack.
Why only now I can be thankful
obtain ascetic wife and 'iffah like you?
Why only now also know how
the pleasure of watching your eyes
glowing because my attention ...?